Want a rewarding career? Start here.
Discover the career path you want and get ready to take it as far as you choose.
No matter what kind of career you want, North Carolina community colleges are ready to help you make it happen. That’s because they offer a variety of certificates, customized training programs and degrees that provide students with the most up-to-date knowledge and in-demand skills that employers are looking for. Being a part of the communities they’re in allows community college to keep tuition low while developing talented, skilled graduates that truly meet the needs of local businesses.
Through partnerships with companies across the state (including several on the Fortune 500 list), North Carolina community colleges have created a growing number of industry-specific programs to prepare you for a good job. Or help you get promoted in the one you already have.
With hundreds of online learning options, flexible class schedules and a campus within 30 minutes of your home, as well as financial assistance and scholarship opportunities, North Carolina community colleges make getting the education you need for the career you want as easy as possible. By offering a high-quality, lower-cost education, community colleges can help you become the most well-qualified candidate for skilled jobs in your area. Employers are ready to fill them. The question is, are you?

Get More Info
Whether you live in the mountains, on the coast or anywhere in between, there’s a campus within a 30-minute drive of you—or as close as your computer. Find the best one for you based on what you want to learn. So, if you’re interested in a cost-effective education close to home, see what North Carolina community colleges can do for you. Download this guide for more helpful information on various programs, financial aid, apprenticeships, transfer degrees and more.
When Alan Hidalgo-Lobo was in high school his dad passed away. After his death, Alan struggled to manage both life and school, and as a result, didn’t have enough credits to graduate senior year. Instead, he watched his classmates walk the stage while he sat in the crowd. “I felt discouraged to go back to school…I essentially gave up. I felt like life was over,” Alan recalled.

The Longleaf grant has changed my life. It has not only helped me out [financially]—but has also motivated me to keep doing better in school.
Alan Hidalgo-Lobo
Student at Central Piedmont Community College